August 2024

New Release of Interim Volumetric Water Benefit Accounting 2.0 Guidance with Updated VWB Calculation Methods

Bluerisk, Bonneville Environmental Foundation, LimnoTech and World Resources Institute

Bluerisk and partners Bonneville Environmental Foundation, LimnoTech and World Resources Institute released the fourth installment to the interim updated guidance for implementing and valuing water stewardship activities, the Volumetric Water Benefit Accounting (VWBA) 2.0. This voluntary guidance is intended to assist companies in quantifying the results of meaningful water stewardship actions that contribute to long-term watershed outcomes.  

Interim VWBA 2.0 guidance is being released through a series of four installments on a rolling basis during 2023-2024. Each installment covers a specific topic and provides guidance derived from experiences and insights gleaned from implementing water stewardship strategies, programs, projects, and activities. 

This release, Installment 4 “Guidance on Updated VWB Calculation Methods”, outlines principles to inform and guide partners when calculating VWBs with existing methods and indicators and evaluating the suitability of other methods to estimate VWBs, as well as new methods and indicators, modification to existing methods, additional guidance related to method applications where warranted, and a table linking activities and objectives to indicators and methods. 

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February 2024
Bluerisk, Bonneville Environmental Foundation, LimnoTech and World Resources Institute
November 2023
Bluerisk, Bonneville Environmental Foundation, LimnoTech and World Resources Institute